46 # include <tapas-config.h>
242 const char *graph_name,
const char *graph_type);
294 uint32_t *bind_init);
302 typedef struct sataf_mao_memorizer_st sataf_mao_memorizer;
314 typedef void sataf_mao_memo_init_proc (sataf_mao_memo *m,
void *data);
319 typedef void sataf_mao_memo_clean_proc (sataf_mao_memo *m);
338 sataf_init (
int msa_op_cache_size,
int mao_sharing_cache_size,
339 int ea_ut_table_size,
int ea_ut_max_fill_degree,
340 int sa_ut_table_size,
int sa_ut_max_fill_degree,
341 int msa_ut_table_size,
int msa_ut_max_fill_degree);
347 sataf_terminate (
430 static inline const char *
564 const char *graph_name,
const char *graph_type);
583 const char **alphabet,
const char *graph_name,
584 const char *graph_type);
671 uint32_t s0,
const uint8_t *is_final,
672 const uint32_t *succ);
820 extern sataf_mao_memorizer *
822 void *init_data, sataf_mao_memo_clean_proc *clean);
828 sataf_mao_memorizer_delete (sataf_mao_memorizer *M);
833 extern sataf_mao_memo *
834 sataf_mao_memorizer_remind (sataf_mao_memorizer *M,
sataf_mao *A);
839 extern sataf_mao_memo *
840 sataf_mao_memorizer_succ (sataf_mao_memorizer *M,
sataf_mao *A,
int a);
852 static inline uint32_t
859 static inline uint32_t
865 static inline uint32_t
894 static inline uint32_t
902 static inline uint32_t
928 static inline uint32_t
973 uint32_t alphabet_size);
1020 uint32_t alphabet_size,
const uint8_t *is_final,
1021 const uint32_t *succ);
1100 const char **alphabet);
1275 const char **alphabet,
int with_info);
1309 static inline uint32_t
1344 uint32_t *bind_init);
1348 uint32_t *bind_init);
1376 static inline uint32_t
1494 static inline uint32_t
1529 const char **alphabet,
int with_info);
1543 const char **alphabet);
1600 # define sataf_msa_empty sataf_msa_zero
1615 # define sataf_msa_all sataf_msa_one
static int sataf_sa_is_one(sataf_sa *sa)
Return if sa is the shared automaton accepting any word.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_equiv(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Boolean operation : equivalence.
unsigned int sataf_mao_hashcode(sataf_mao *self)
Compute an hashcode for this MAO.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_epsilon(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create the singleton containing the empty word.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_letter(uint32_t alphabet_size, uint32_t a)
Create the singleton containing the letter a.
void sataf_ea_del_reference(sataf_ea *ea)
Decrement the counter of references of ea.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_concat(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Concatenation of and .
static uint32_t sataf_ea_get_nb_states(sataf_ea *ea)
Return the number of local states of ea.
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_minimize(sataf_ea *ea, uint32_t *h)
Minimization of ea.
size_t(* size)(sataf_mao *self)
Returnsthe actual size of the object self.
char * sataf_mao_to_string(sataf_mao *self)
Translate the MAO into a human readable form.
void sataf_ea_ut_statistics(ccl_log_type log)
Display internal statistics about the use of EAs. In particular informations related to the unicity t...
static int sataf_sa_is_zero(sataf_sa *sa)
Return if sa is the shared automaton accepting no word.
void sataf_sa_display_as_dot(sataf_sa *sa, ccl_log_type log, int marked_state, const char **alphabet, int with_info)
Display the shared automaton sa in DOT file format.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_epsilon(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create a MAO recognizing the singleton for a reference alphabet of size alphabet_size.
const char * type
A constant string of characters indicating the type of the MAO.
Structure gathering the methods applied to a Marked Automaton Object.
static uint32_t sataf_sa_get_alphabet_size(sataf_sa *sa)
Return the size of the alphabet.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_multi_and(ccl_list *operands)
Create a MAO encoding the intersection of a finite set of languages.
void sataf_mao_is_root_of_scc(sataf_mao *self, sataf_sa *sa, int q0)
Notify the MAO that it has been identified as the root of a SCC.
struct sataf_ea_st sataf_ea
Type for the data structure encoding Exit Automata.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_one(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create a MAO recognizing .
void sataf_ea_display_as_dot(sataf_ea *ea, ccl_log_type log, const char **alphabet)
Display the exit automaton in DOT graph format.
int sataf_ea_equals(sataf_ea *ea1, sataf_ea *ea2)
Check that ea1 and ea2 are equal.
Generic simple linked list.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_star(sataf_msa *a)
Transitive closure of .
static uint32_t sataf_msa_get_alphabet_size(sataf_msa *msa)
Return the size of the alphabet.
static uint32_t sataf_msa_get_state(sataf_msa *msa)
Return the marked state defining msa.
static int sataf_msa_is_final(sataf_msa *msa)
Return if msa accepts the empty word.
int sataf_msa_is_included_in(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Check the inclusion of in .
static int sataf_ea_is_one(sataf_ea *ea)
Check if ea accepts any word.
void sataf_msa_display_as_dot(sataf_msa *msa, ccl_log_type log, const char **alphabet, int with_info)
Display the given MSA into the DOT file format.
static const char * sataf_mao_get_type(sataf_mao *self)
Return the type of the MAO self.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_ite(sataf_msa *i, sataf_msa *t, sataf_msa *e)
Boolean operation : if-then-else.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_and(sataf_mao *a1, sataf_mao *a2)
Create a MAO encoding the intersection of two languages.
static int sataf_ea_is_zero(sataf_ea *ea)
Check if ea accepts nothing.
sataf_sa * sataf_sa_create_one(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create the unique SA recognizing all words on an alphabet of size alphabet_size.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_succ(sataf_mao *self, uint32_t letter)
Return the successor MAO of self by letter.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_succ(sataf_msa *msa, uint32_t a)
Return the successor of msa by the letter a.
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_create_with_arrays(uint32_t nb_states, uint32_t nb_exits, uint32_t alphabet_size, const uint8_t *is_final, const uint32_t *succ)
Build an EA with the transition function succ and the acceptance condition is_final.
static int sataf_msa_is_one(sataf_msa *msa)
Check if msa is the one recognizing everything.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_equiv(sataf_mao *a1, sataf_mao *a2)
Create a MAO encoding .
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_exists(sataf_mao *a)
Create a MAO encoding the union of residues of .
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_complement(sataf_ea *ea)
Build an EA isomorph to ea up to the acceptance condition which is negated.
static sataf_mao * sataf_mao_add_reference(sataf_mao *a)
Increments the number of references to this MAP.
static uint32_t sataf_ea_encode_succ_as_exit_state(uint32_t index)
Encode the successor state index as an exit state.
static int sataf_ea_is_exit_state(uint32_t successor)
Check if the given successor corresponds to an exit state or not.
uint32_t(* get_alphabet_size)(sataf_mao *self)
Size of the reference alphabet.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_letter(uint32_t alphabet_size, uint32_t a)
Create a MAO recognizing the singleton for a reference alphabet of size alphabet_size and one of it...
void(* destroy)(sataf_mao *self)
Free ressources allocated to this MAO.
void sataf_msa_log_info(ccl_log_type log, sataf_msa *msa)
Display on log quantitative informations about the structure of msa.
int sataf_mao_no_cache(sataf_mao *self)
Return if caching this object is interesting or not.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_zero(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create a MAO encoding the empty language for a reference alphabet of size alphabet_size.
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_create(uint32_t nb_states, uint32_t nb_exits, uint32_t alphabet_size)
Build an empty Exit Automaton data structure.
static sataf_msa * sataf_msa_add_reference(sataf_msa *msa)
Increment the counter of references of msa.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_imply(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Boolean operation : implication.
static sataf_msa * sataf_msa_compute(sataf_mao *A)
Minimize, canonicalize and share the given MAO A.
struct sataf_mao_st sataf_mao
Type of a Marked Automaton Object (MAO).
static sataf_sa * sataf_msa_get_sa(sataf_msa *msa)
Return the shared automaton defining msa.
static int sataf_ea_is_final(sataf_ea *ea, uint32_t s)
Return a non null value is the local state s of ea is accepting or not.
static void sataf_ea_set_final(sataf_ea *ea, uint32_t s, int is_final)
Change the acceptance condition for the state s.
int sataf_msa_is_detectable(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2, ccl_list *acc)
check if a1 is detectable in a2
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_or(sataf_mao *a1, sataf_mao *a2)
Create a MAO encoding the union of two languages.
void(* to_dot)(ccl_log_type log, sataf_mao *self, const char **alphabet, const char *graph_name, const char *graph_type)
Display the automaton in DOT file format.
static int sataf_ea_is_local_state(uint32_t successor)
Check if the given successor corresponds to a local state or not.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_zero(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Return the empty language.
void(* is_root_of_scc)(sataf_mao *self, sataf_sa *sa, int q0)
Notify the MAO that it has been identified as the root of a SCC.
uint32_t refcount
The number of references to the MSA.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_multi_or(ccl_list *operands)
Create a MAO encoding the union of a finite set of languages.
static int sataf_msa_is_zero_or_one(sataf_msa *msa)
Check if msa is one of the two elementary MSAs i.e. either the one recognizing everything or the one ...
int(* equals)(sataf_mao *self, sataf_mao *other)
Check if two instance are equal.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_compute_with_transformer(sataf_mao *A, sataf_sa_transformer *T)
Minimize, canonicalize and share the given MAO A.
static int sataf_msa_is_zero(sataf_msa *msa)
Check if msa is the one recognizing nothing.
void sataf_mao_default_to_dot(ccl_log_type log, sataf_mao *self, const char **alphabet, const char *graph_name, const char *graph_type)
Display a MAO in DOT file format.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_not(sataf_msa *a)
Boolean operation : complement.
void sataf_ea_set_successor(sataf_ea *ea, uint32_t src, uint32_t a, uint32_t tgt, int is_exit)
Change the successor of the given state.
static uint32_t sataf_ea_get_alphabet_size(sataf_ea *ea)
Return the size of this alphabet used by the exit automaton ea.
uint32_t nb_states
Total number of states. This is exactly the number of states of the minimal automaton.
sataf_sa * sataf_sa_find_or_add(sataf_ea *ea, sataf_sa **bind_sa, uint32_t *bind_init)
Look-up in the SA-unicity-table for a shared automaton defined by ea and the binding function (bind_s...
unsigned int(* hashcode)(sataf_mao *self)
Hashcode for the MAO self.
int(* is_final)(sataf_mao *self)
Indicates if self is accepting.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_not(sataf_mao *a)
Create a MAO encoding the complement of a.
struct ccl_list_st ccl_list
Type of a generic list.
void sataf_msa_get_info(sataf_msa *msa, sataf_msa_info *info)
Retrieve quantitative informations related to msa.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_forall(sataf_mao *a)
Create a MAO encoding the intersection of residues of .
static int sataf_ea_is_zero_or_one(sataf_ea *ea)
Check if ea recognizes anything or nothing.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_alphabet(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create a MAO recognizing the entire alphabet that has a size equal to alphabet_size.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_power(sataf_msa *a, int N)
Exponentiation of .
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_or(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Boolean operation : disjunction.
uint32_t depth
The height of the MSA in the DAG of SCCs.
static void sataf_sa_del_reference(sataf_sa *sa)
Decrement the number of references to sa.
static sataf_sa * sataf_sa_add_reference(sataf_sa *sa)
Add one the counter of references to sa.
static int sataf_sa_is_zero_or_one(sataf_sa *sa)
Check if sa accepts nothing or accepts nothing.
int(* no_cache)(sataf_mao *self)
Caching this MAO is not relevant.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_from_arrays(uint32_t nb_states, uint32_t alphabet_size, uint32_t s0, const uint8_t *is_final, const uint32_t *succ)
Create a MAO encoding an automaton given its transition function and its acceptance condition...
void sataf_sa_table_statistics(ccl_log_type log)
Display internal statistics about the use of SAs. In particular informations related to the unicity t...
static uint32_t sataf_ea_encode_succ_as_local_state(uint32_t index)
Encode the successor state index as a local state.
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_find_or_add(sataf_ea *ea)
Find or add ea in the unicity table.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create(size_t size, const sataf_mao_methods *methods)
Allocation and initialization of a MAO.
sataf_mao * sataf_msa_to_mao(sataf_msa *msa)
Create a MAO from msa.
static void sataf_mao_del_reference(sataf_mao *a)
Decrements the number of references to the given MAO.
sataf_msa * sataf_mao_simplify(sataf_mao *self)
Return the MSA corresponding to the MAO self if it is computable without the canonization algorithm...
static sataf_sa * sataf_msa_get_sa_no_ref(sataf_msa *msa)
Return the shared automaton defining msa but without incrementing its counter of references.
sataf_mao_memorizer * sataf_mao_memorizer_create(size_t memo_size, sataf_mao_memo_init_proc *init, void *init_data, sataf_mao_memo_clean_proc *clean)
Create a new memorizer.
enum ccl_log_type_enum ccl_log_type
Enum that indicates which kind of message has to be displayed. Each kind of message can be displayed ...
int sataf_mao_equals(sataf_mao *self, sataf_mao *other)
Check if two MAO are equal.
int sataf_mao_is_final(sataf_mao *self)
Return if the Marked Automaton is accepting.
uint32_t nb_exit_automata
Number of Exit Automata in this MSA. This is the number of non isomorphic strongly connected componen...
static uint32_t sataf_ea_get_successor(sataf_ea *ea, uint32_t state, uint32_t a)
Get the successor of state by the letter a.
Data structure gathering quantitative informations related to a MSA. This structure is filled by the ...
unsigned int sataf_ea_hashcode(sataf_ea *ea)
Hashcode of an EA The integer value is computed according to the transition function and the acceptan...
static uint32_t sataf_ea_decode_succ_state(uint32_t index)
Decode the successor state index.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_and(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Boolean operation : conjunction.
static void sataf_msa_del_reference(sataf_msa *msa)
Decrement the counter of references of msa.
sataf_sa * sataf_sa_create_zero(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create the unique SA recognizing no words on an alphabet of size alphabet_size.
void sataf_msa_display_as_olddot(sataf_msa *msa, ccl_log_type log, const char **alphabet)
Another function used to display the given MSA into the DOT file format.
A dynamic association table implemented by hashing.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_imply(sataf_mao *a1, sataf_mao *a2)
Create a MAO encoding .
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_cache_get(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2, sataf_msa *a3, const void *aux)
Look for a result in the cache over MSA operations.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_find_or_add(sataf_sa *sa, uint32_t initial)
Getting the unique MSA defined by the couple (sa,initial).
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_exists(sataf_msa *a)
Create the MSA encoding the union of residues of .
struct ccl_hash_st ccl_hash
abstract type of an hash table.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_xor(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2)
Boolean operation : mutual exclusion.
void sataf_msa_cache_put(sataf_msa *a1, sataf_msa *a2, sataf_msa *a3, const void *aux, sataf_msa *R)
Add en entry into the cache for MSA operations.
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_add_reference(sataf_ea *ea)
Increment the counter of references of ea.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_forall(sataf_msa *a)
Create the MSA encoding the intersection of residues of .
void sataf_sa_display_scc_as_dot(sataf_sa *sa, ccl_log_type log)
Display the graph of SCCs composing the shared automaton sa.
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_one(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Compute .
uint32_t nb_shared_automata
Number of Shared Automata used by the MSA. This number represents the number of strongly connected co...
sataf_msa * sataf_msa_alphabet(uint32_t alphabet_size)
Create the language equal to the alphabet of size alphabet_size.
sataf_mao * sataf_mao_create_ite(sataf_mao *i, sataf_mao *t, sataf_mao *e)
Create a MAO encoding the language if-then-else(i,t,e)
sataf_ea * sataf_ea_find(sataf_ea *ea)
Return the unique version of ea if it exists.
struct sataf_sa_st sataf_sa
Type for the data structure encoding Shared Automata.
struct sataf_msa_st sataf_msa
Type for the data structure encoding Marked Shared Automata.
uint32_t sataf_mao_get_alphabet_size(sataf_mao *self)
The size of the alphabet used by self.
void sataf_mao_to_dot(ccl_log_type log, sataf_mao *self, const char **alphabet, const char *graph_name, const char *graph_type)
Display a MAO in DOT file format.
static uint32_t sataf_ea_get_nb_exits(sataf_ea *ea)
Return the number of exit states of ea.